企业信息 [普通会员]
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规格:Minimum 30 CM diameter
等级9br /> 0??/span>
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歡迎詢價 !! 墨西哥直接出 !! 本公司廠房位於墨西哥南部,經營出口墨西哥異國風情硬木,原木、大板、木塊等皆可依您想要的尺寸訂 !! 如想尋找其他木種,也歡迎與我們洽 !! 尤卡坦阔变豆?GRANADILLO 硬度 : 2450 IBF Hardness: 2450 IBF 特征 : 心材颜色非常多样性,亮红色、深红色至紫褐色都有,天然光泽度高,常带深色条纹。心材被耐久至甚耐久,不但抗腐朽,对昆虫侵害亦具有优良的抵抗力 Features: The heartwood is very diverse in color, ranging from bright red, dark red to purple brown, with high natural gloss and often with dark stripes. The heartwood is durable to very durable, which not only resists decay, but also has excellent resistance to insect attack. 加工 : 整体说来,阔变豆木材在机械和手动加均表现出优异的性质,不过交错纹理处在加工时会引发劈裂,这一点须特别小心。木材车旋、胶黏和抛光性均好,是非常优良具有市场价值的木材 Processing: Overall, the broad bean wood exhibits excellent properties both mechanically and manually, but the interlaced texture will cause splitting during processing. This must be done with extreme caution. The wood has good turning, adhesive and polishing properties, and it is a very good wood with market value. 用 : 细木工、地板、家具、橱柜,箭弓,车旋制品和一些小型木工制品,質地細膩均勻,色澤豐富,紋理清晰 Uses: joinery, flooring, furniture, cabinets, bows, turning products and some small woodwork products, the texture is fine and even, the color is rich, and the texture is clear.