- 东莞厚街茂源木业经营?/a>
- 苏丰?/span> 经理
- 经营模式9span class="colorblue">销售商
- 所在地区:广东|东莞
- 东莞茂源木业?006年开始就从事木皮贸易与销? ,从全世界各地采购各种原木,自己刨切成装修用的贴面木质片材(又称天然木皮),供应给酒店家?装修,仿古家?欧式家具制造,别墅或专卖店装修,装饰时使用 主营产品 泰柚木皮 黑檀木皮,乌木木皮非洲核桃木木皮,小斑马木皮,大斑马木皮,有各种规格选择. 北美天然木皮, 包括樱桃,黑胡?枫木,白橡,红橡,兼营非洲? 包括沙比?桃花?奥古曼等. 另外可以供应各种特殊木皮品种. dongguan shigeru source wood industry since 2006 engaged in wood trade and sales, and purchasing all kinds of logs from many parts of the world, his plane into decoration with the cover sheet (also known as natural wood veneer), wood supply hotel furniture, decoration, archaize furniture, european furniture manufacturing, villas orstore decoration, decoration. the main products are thai teak, ebony skin, ebony woodafrican walnut mywood, little zebra wood veneer, zebra wood veneer, have a variety of specifications to choose from. north american natural wood veneer, including cherry, black walnut, maple, white oak, red oak, engaged in africa, including sand billy, the peach blossom core, okoume, etc. also can supply all kinds of special varieties of wood veneer.