- 东莞市欧博源木业有限公司
- 梁俭?/span> 总经
- 经营模式9span class="colorblue">贸易公司
- 所在地区:广东|东莞
- pfont stylequot;col: #000000quot;nbsp;nbsp; dongguan aoburyua timber co., ltd. is an international trading cpation specialized in woods,such as south maple logs,beech logs,ash logs so fth.nbsp; our company the integrity european supplier make effts to supply the competitive highly quality logs to domestic market,paying attention to the rig classification of the veneer grade ,sawmill grade furniture grade.we offer codinated-process service : placing ders,producing varity thickness of swan timber veneer tracking after-sale quality.brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;with unremitting effts ,aoburyua becomes one of the larger domestic professional enterprises in the same trade .there are two branches, the ousenyuan wood branch is engaged in the line of all kinds of edgedunedged beech sawn timber , veneer shoes material .the ousheng wood branch which is mainly specializing in beech ash sawn timber finger jointed plate, veneer, shoes material of south maple it is the agent of romanian sawn timber in guangdong area . we wk together with superi quality,complete specifications sufficient stock to fill out the requirements of facties production f parquets, hicrafts, stairs, shoes materials furnitures. we continually strive to maintain our basic ethics ,unwavering reputation, honesty to others nbsp; prestige first.wholeheartedly with each unit the community to carry out me extensive cooperation common development.fontp pfont stylequot;col: #000000quot;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 东莞市欧博源木业有限公司是一家从事进口木材的国际贸易公司,主营产品有欧洲水曲柳原木,榉木原木,南美枫原木等。我们与欧洲诚信供应商共同致力于提供国内最具有市场竞争力的优质原木,严格把控刨切材,锯材,家具材等级分类。我们提供下单订货、原木加工成各种厚度的木枋、木皮及售后质量跟踪等一条龙服务。brnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 欧博源通过不懈努力发展为国内同行中具有较大规模专业性企业,旗下的欧森源木业主要以加工销售各种规格的榉木、水曲柳毛直边板,鞋材及多种厚度的木皮;欧胜木业销售榉木毛直边板和齿接板,南美枫鞋材,且是罗马尼亚榉木直边板的广东地区直销点。我们共同以优越的品质,充足的货源和齐全的规格,为家具,鞋材,楼梯,工艺品及地板制作等厂家提供理想之材。我司秉承以德为本,诚信待人,信誉第一的经营理念,竭诚与各单位及社会各界开展更广泛的合作,共图发展 。fontp